Post Tagged with: "Smartphones"

Carrier IQ problems go global as European regulators get in on the act

Carrier IQ problems go global as European regulators get in on the act

I’ve never understood the blindness of companies that lets them do stuff like Carrier IQ is doing, especially in this day and age of almost instant information. For those that might have been hiding under a rock in the past […]

[Survey] 71% of Americans Own an iPhone or Android Handset

[Survey] 71% of Americans Own an iPhone or Android Handset

Although smartphones may be struggling to gain traction worldwide, it seems that Americans are adopting the devices at a rate outpacing that of those in other countries. We reported yesterday that smartphones only have 26% of marketshare among cell phone […]

Report reveals that smartphones only have 26% of the global market

Report reveals that smartphones only have 26% of the global market

If you pay any attention to the tech blogosphere you would think that smartphones rule the world, that everyone and their grandmother has one. It turns out that this might not be the case if a new report from VisionMobile […]

Survey: One in Five Say Switching Smartphones More Hassle Than Switching Banks

Survey: One in Five Say Switching Smartphones More Hassle Than Switching Banks

One of the more arduous and entirely devoid of joy tasks of adulthood is that of switching financial institutions, which is why most people only do it when they’ve been boned so badly by their bank that there is no possible […]

Publishers Embrace Content For Mobile, Up 9% Over Last Year

Publishers Embrace Content For Mobile, Up 9% Over Last Year

Content for mobile is proving to be a major growth area for traditional publishers, who are adapting the practice of optimizing their publications for e-readers, smartphones and other mobile devices at a breakneck pace. 85% of the magazines in the […]