Archive for category: Tech

Guy asks Facebook for his ‘social network’ history and gets 1,222 PDFs

Guy asks Facebook for his ‘social network’ history and gets 1,222 PDFs

For all the whining that goes on about privacy and how Facebook is always messing with the boundaries of what is right to share and what is private we still keep posting a whole lot of crap on places like Facebook, […]

Humble Indie Bundle 4 Officially Live

Humble Indie Bundle 4 Officially Live

Humble Indie Bundle 4- the latest installment in the DRM-bucking, multi-platform (PC, Linux and Mac) pay-what-you-want game bundle series- is officially live, running at an average of $5.30 per purchase. (PC users are coming in at about $4.83, while Mac […]

Social Media Promoting Transparency, Change Through Citizen Journalism, Activists Say

Social Media Promoting Transparency, Change Through Citizen Journalism, Activists Say

If you look at the past year in world events, one common theme seems to stretch across many of the common stories: revolution. And the spate of demonstrations across the world- in the Middle East, the US and Europe, among […]

Louis CK Does Reddit AMA After Announcing Independently Distributed, DRM-Free Special

Louis CK Does Reddit AMA After Announcing Independently Distributed, DRM-Free Special

It’s only Monday, but web-favorite comedian Louis CK is owning the social web this week. First, the popular entertainer set tech sites buzzing with news that he was releasing his newest special, “Louis CK: Live at Beacon Theater,” exclusively via the […]

Sick Toddler’s Dad Gets Reddit Tattoo As Promised After Site Helped His Son Get Treatment

Sick Toddler’s Dad Gets Reddit Tattoo As Promised After Site Helped His Son Get Treatment

Aw, don’t you just love an inky ending? Last week, Reddit was back in the news for its habit of doing nice things for people in need. The site that hosts a subreddit promoting “random acts of pizza” occasionally embarks […]

Reddit Ponies Up $31K For Critically Ill Toddler in 12 Hours

Reddit Ponies Up $31K For Critically Ill Toddler in 12 Hours

Oh, Reddit, you incorrigible band of do-gooders with an insatiable urge to better society through the power of upgoats. Although you may have noticed a spate of false charity in r/atheism yesterday, the ability of Reddit to act as a force of […]

Facebook Eats Gowalla, Company to Shutter at the End of January

Facebook Eats Gowalla, Company to Shutter at the End of January

Facebook has checked in at Foursquare competitor Gowalla, consuming the location based app and rolling the Gowalla team into its own, both Facebook and Gowalla have confirmed. Although it sported a more complex and visually engaging user interface than Foursquare, […]

Face-swapping magic coming for low-budget digital film-making

Face-swapping magic coming for low-budget digital film-making

If there is one area where the idea of trickle-down works it has to be in technology. In the beginning any new technology is always expensive but over time it begins the downward curve where it becomes more accessible to […]

[CarrierIQ] Developer Finds Scary Hidden Functionality in Many Popular Smartphones

[CarrierIQ] Developer Finds Scary Hidden Functionality in Many Popular Smartphones

A 25-year-old Connecticut system administrator has discovered what appears to log every action users engage in using their smartphones, and is back with another muckracking video after rootkit maker CarrierIQ attempted to quash speculation about the functionality of their software. […]

[Survey] 71% of Americans Own an iPhone or Android Handset

[Survey] 71% of Americans Own an iPhone or Android Handset

Although smartphones may be struggling to gain traction worldwide, it seems that Americans are adopting the devices at a rate outpacing that of those in other countries. We reported yesterday that smartphones only have 26% of marketshare among cell phone […]

Cyber Monday Sales Up 18% Over Last Year

Cyber Monday Sales Up 18% Over Last Year

Perhaps getting stomped, pepper-sprayed, frozen or otherwise braving the rigors of Black Friday is finally falling to the wayside proper for Cyber Monday, as sales in 2011 were up 18% over 2010 as of 9PM tonight. Traffic was up even […]

Mall owners realize a very bad idea when they see one and pull tracking plans

Mall owners realize a very bad idea when they see one and pull tracking plans

The other day there was some interesting news about how a couple of malls in the United States planned on tracking shoppers, anonymously of course, as they went about their Christmas shopping. They handed out the typical line that this […]

Survey: One in Five Say Switching Smartphones More Hassle Than Switching Banks

Survey: One in Five Say Switching Smartphones More Hassle Than Switching Banks

One of the more arduous and entirely devoid of joy tasks of adulthood is that of switching financial institutions, which is why most people only do it when they’ve been boned so badly by their bank that there is no possible […]

Cyber Monday Deals on Amazon Will Make You Glad You Didn’t Get Up at 3am

Cyber Monday Deals on Amazon Will Make You Glad You Didn’t Get Up at 3am

If you stayed up drinking too late on Thanksgiving and missed all the doorbusters this morning, take heart. A ton of decent deals await on Cyber Monday, and technically, through the rest of the season here and there. Amazon is […]