Archive for category: Tech

SOPA’s Web Killing Powers Explained By Lawyer

SOPA’s Web Killing Powers Explained By Lawyer

The holidays put a bit of a damper on the web outrage surrounding the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, more commonly known as SOPA, and its ugly sister PIPA, short for the Protect Intellectual Property Act. The two bits of […]

Kodak heading for a Chapter 11 filing

Kodak heading for a Chapter 11 filing

While this move by the company hasn’t been all that unexpected the actual announcement has to be yet another wake up call that technology and the Internet is changing everything about our world, and a lot faster than some companies […]

Cisco figures out that Umi Personal Telepresence is a bust and closes shop

Cisco figures out that Umi Personal Telepresence is a bust and closes shop

Video chatting is being touted as the next big thing in the tech bubble and while there has been some long term players in the game, like Skype and even Microsoft Messenger, both start-ups and established companies think there is […]

Canadian Man Shows Passport on iPad, Gets Into the US

Canadian Man Shows Passport on iPad, Gets Into the US

Flying cars, people! Okay, it’s not flying cars, but one of the greater looming catastrophes of modern life remains the threat of leaving your passport at home ahead of an international trip. (Or worse, in a hotel when trying to […]

Kindle Fire Singed iPad Sales For 2011 Holiday Season

Kindle Fire Singed iPad Sales For 2011 Holiday Season

The jury is still out as to whether Amazon’s Kindle Fire- at less than half the price and lacking some major Apple restrictions- is exactly an iPad killer just yet. The second big-deal entry to the growing by leaps and […]

Yahoo Two-Step Authentication Finally A Reality

Yahoo Two-Step Authentication Finally A Reality

In an attempt to sully the attempts of email hackers Yahoo on Tuesday finally rolled out two-step authentication for better password control. Under the company’s new methodology if a device is not recognized as a typical login option the platform […]

India proclaimed as the leader of spam email

India proclaimed as the leader of spam email

I’m not sure that this is a title that any country would be proud to have tacked on to them but according to Kaspersky, an Internet security software firm, India is the top source in the world for email spam. […]

Facebook Blamed For a Third of British Divorces

Facebook Blamed For a Third of British Divorces

Hey, look at the clock- it’s time for your “social media is destroying the world” post of the day! Okay, it’s not really that bad- but it seems everywhere you look, Facebook and its ilk are being blamed for pre-existing […]

The democratization of Internet access, just a vending machine away

The democratization of Internet access, just a vending machine away

Contrary to most people in the tech blogosphere (read tech pundits with nothing better to do) I believe that there is an already existing digital divide, and one that is going to get worse the more that the Web becomes […]

Ocean Marketing Rep Paul Christoforo Allegedly Attempted to Extort N-Control

Ocean Marketing Rep Paul Christoforo Allegedly Attempted to Extort N-Control

In the slow news week between Christmas and New Year’s this year, the internet was captivated by the tale of the “rogue” PR agent  that pissed off a customer, Penny Arcade, the internet at large- and became a meme, because […]

N-Control Issues Statement Completely Disavowing Ocean Marketing

N-Control Issues Statement Completely Disavowing Ocean Marketing

In this fallow week of scant tech news and even scanter regular news, the story of “rogue” PR agent Paul Christoforo and the Avenger gaming device has captivated the attention of the internet in a way only giant flameball trainwrecks […]

Ever wondered what an Android user looked like? Welcome Mr. Android 2011

Ever wondered what an Android user looked like? Welcome Mr. Android 2011

We all have a mental picture of what various geek type people look like when associated with certain tech brands. You know, the Apple artsy type, the Linux kid in the basement of his parent’s home, and the dorky looking […]

Occupy Facebook? Protesters Plan a Social Network

Occupy Facebook? Protesters Plan a Social Network

Does it seem to you like even three months later, those pesky occupiers are everywhere? Perhaps because sometimes, they are. And while the movement has scattered for the time being as frosty weather sets in to much of the northern […]

Reddit Eyes Congress As Its Next Target For Punitive Action

Reddit Eyes Congress As Its Next Target For Punitive Action

Last week, Reddit (with a little help from the rest of the internet, including the Cheezburger Network and a tiny site you might have visited once or twice, Wikipedia) helped encourage web users to transfer more than 70,000 domains away […]