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Chicago Sun-Times Latest Regional Paper to Adopt NYT-Style Paywall

chicago sun times paywall

As the paywall experiment at the New York Times continues, another major regional newspaper has adopted the selfsame model used by the Gray Lady and a growing number of area news outlets to allow limited free access before charging for content.

The Chicago Sun-Times announced earlier this week that it too would be implementing a “first 20 articles free” model, charging $6.99 monthly for digital-only subscribers and $1.99 for print subscribers who commit to a year of web access to the paper’s site.

In a memo to staff, CEO Jeremy Halbreich explained:

“Publishers across the country have begun moving in this direction, and we see this as the next logical step in our digital business plan… The rationale for moving in this direction is simple. Quality journalism is not free.”

While users will only be able to view the handful of freebies monthly before the site asks them to pay, certain sections like classifieds and advertorials will not count toward the total.