Post Tagged with: "Words With Friends"

Flight Attendants Seek to Ban Alec Baldwin’s ’30 Rock’ From In-Flight Entertainment

Flight Attendants Seek to Ban Alec Baldwin’s ’30 Rock’ From In-Flight Entertainment

Alec Baldwin’s Words With Friends-based drama last week on an American Airlines flight served not only to cast the actor in a slightly negative public light, but has also apparently caused some outrage among flight attendants. Baldwin’s popular NBC sitcom […]

Words With Friends Addiction Gets Alec Baldwin Ejected From Flight

Words With Friends Addiction Gets Alec Baldwin Ejected From Flight

Think Alec Baldwin couldn’t get any hotter? I thought so too, until it was revealed that the man who plays Jack Donaghy on NBC’s 30 Rock also takes his Words With Friends games very, very seriously. Today, his silver foxiness was […]