Post Tagged with: "Digital Subscriptions"

Digital Magazines Are A Huge Success Says Association of Magazine Media

Digital Magazines Are A Huge Success Says Association of Magazine Media

The Association of Magazine Media (MPA) has conducted a new survey which reveals what we have long suspected, readers are taking to digital magazine’s in record numbers and in-turn buying more content digitally. The organization surveyed 1,0009 adult digital magazine readers […]

B2B Social Media Mags Launching, But Print is Low on the Agenda

B2B Social Media Mags Launching, But Print is Low on the Agenda

A group of new magazines covering social media are launching this week from GSG World Media, but not surprisingly, print is nearly an afterthought for the publications with a hyperconnected focus. It will be interesting to see if mainly-digital launches […]

Amazon, Hearst Ink Content and E-Commerce Deal Ahead of Kindle Tablet Launch

Amazon, Hearst Ink Content and E-Commerce Deal Ahead of Kindle Tablet Launch

Massive online retailer Amazon and publisher Hearst are getting hot and heavy with a wide-ranging expansion of their business relationship, announced in a press release today. The “multi-faceted consumer marketing, e-commerce and content relationship” has implications for both of the […]